4th Swiss ArthroWrist Course

29th - 30th September 2025
IBRA Institute, Basel

Registration is limited – secure your spot early!

Hands-on practical sessions in a wet lab, with a maximum of 2 participants per table, each guided by a dedicated expert faculty member for personalized supervision.

International and national faculty

Swiss ArthroWrist Course 2025
Dr. Ivan Tami, CH

Dr. Andrea Atzei, IT
Dr. Giuseppe Broccoli, CH
Prof. Maurizio Calcagni, CH
Dr. Sebastian Günkel, CH
Dr. Carlos Heras-Palou, UK
Dr. Radek Kebrle, CZ
Dr. Riccardo Luchetti, IT

Dear Colleagues,

Wrist arthroscopy is becoming an essential tool for hand surgeons for the treatment of soft tissue injuries (ligaments, TFCC, etc.) as well as bone injuries such as distal radius fractures.

I am proud to invite you to the 4th Arthrowrist Course in Switzerland.

Based on the high number of requests and our experience from the past three years, since 2024 I have decided, with the support of Arthrex, to organize the Swiss ArtroWrist Coruse in Basel at the IBRA Institute to expand the practical component.

The course is intended for surgeons particularly interested in wrist surgery and arthroscopy. There will be a theoretical part with lectures delivered by international and national faculty, covering anatomy, technical setup, and the most common topics and techniques in wrist arthroscopy. Practical skills will be trained in a new anatomy lab on specimens, with a tutor guiding small groups through the steps of various arthroscopy procedures.

There will also be opportunities for interactive discussions with the faculty about challenging cases. Theoretical lectures, case discussions, and practical lessons on real specimens will be blended for a complete learning experience.

Looking forward to seeing you in Basel!

Dr. med. Ivan Tami

Centro manoegomito, Gravesano-Lugano

Arthroscopy per year
Surgical procedures per year
Visits per year

Cadaver Lab & 1:1 Teaching

Each table is equipped with a high-definition video system connected to the table of an instructor who performs live step by step demonstrations of the different procedures

Theoretical sessions with lectures from experts

Practical sessions in cadaver lab (4-5 hours each day)

2 partecipants per table supervised by an expert

Cases presentations and discussions

Participants Testimonials

“It was a great event!
The techniques were very well presented.”
"Thank you for the great course and perfect organization! It was one of the courses in my life, which was really mindopening and helped me improve my understanding of the wrist and pathologies as well as treatment options a lot."
"The level was perfect. We were quite equal level in our group and our instructor picked us up perfectly."

Join us at the IBRA Institute in Basel on 29th-30th September

Register today for the 4th Swiss ArthroWrist Course: write to info@swissarthrowrist.ch and secure your spot!